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Employee of the Month - Brianna Alexia

April 30, 2009


Brianna Alexia


Gen Nishino

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Playboy: What do you do?

Brianna: I work for a high-end private airline. I track flights and weather issues. I make sure passengers have everything they need for their trips: hotels, catering, shopping, entertainment and rental cars.

... How did you get into the aviation field?

Brianna: Years ago a friend who worked for Pan Am—yes, that many years ago—got me a job. I’ve been flying around the world ever since.

Playboy: Did you ever work as a stewardess?

Brianna: That’s flight attendant! And yes, I have.

Playboy: What type of clientele does your airline serve?

Brianna: They’re mostly bankers and celebrities.

Playboy: Has the recession hurt the business?

Brianna: No, bankers still fly.

Playboy: What’s your favorite part of the job?

Brianna: I suppose in this economy it’s actually just being employed. But it’s also nice to know I can hop a flight to St. Barts whenever I please.

Playboy: Where do you go when you’re not flying to exotic locations?

Brianna: I’m a simple girl; my friends and I go to Buffalo Wild Wings or out for sake every week. We go barhopping. We go to baseball, football and hockey games.

Playboy: Would you prefer a guy to whisk you off to a Caribbean island or buy you a drink at a chain restaurant?

Brianna: It doesn’t matter where we are or what we do. I just want to be romanced—although I can get us a discount to the Caribbean.

Playboy: Are you a member of the mile-high club?

Brianna: No. In the biz, we consider that tacky.

Playboy: Okay, here’s another tacky question: Would you ever consider grooming yourself in the “landing strip” pattern?

Brianna: I don’t like to shave and tell. Oh, and in the spirit of being corny, just know I can fly you to places you’ve never been.

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