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Employee of the Month - Jo Garcia

December 31, 2006


Jo Garcia


Gen Nishino

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Playboy: What do you do?

Jo: I'm an account executive for a major cell-phone company. I liaise between the corporate office and stores like Best Buy.

Playboy: So you go from store to store?

Jo: The road is m ...

Playboy: Do you like electronics?

Jo: I was the ugly duckling when I was younger. My sister was a model. The ugly thing kept me at home, playing video games, fixing computers and even working on cars.

Playboy: There's something sexy about a woman with skills.

Jo: So I've heard. When I meet guys and we discuss hobbies, they don't believe I'm into technology and gaming. Then if they hang out with me, they're blown away by my toys.

Playboy: Blown away by your...toys. Right.

Jo: I have had people I don't know just flat-out ask me if my boobs are real. They are. I'm not a big fan of them because they're too big for my frame, but everyone else seems to be.

Playboy: We're still skeptical about the ugly-duckling story. You must get a lot of attention from men these days.

Jo: Actually, it's been four months since a guy asked me out. I go to the movies by myself a lot.

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