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Employee of the Month - Nichole Suganuma

August 31, 2008


Nichole Suganuma


Ric Moore

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Playboy: What's a pretty girl like you doing in a hangar?

Nichole: I've always been fascinated with fixing cars, so I decided to join the U.S. Air Force as a mechanic. I served for three years, and now I work in corporate aviation.

Playboy:< ...

Nichole: That's why I was in the Air Force for only three years. I got in trouble. My supervisor would say, "There's always a crowd around your workbench!" I'd say, "It's not my fault. Tell them to get to work! I'm just trying to do my job."

Playboy: Uh-oh, we feel a James Lipton moment coming on. Nichole, what is your favorite curse word?

Nichole: I say "fucking" more than any other word. It's very versatile: You can use it when you're describing the very worst thing or the very best thing in the world.

Playboy: Well then, what's your all-time favorite fucking plane to work on?

Nichole: The C-5 Galaxy is my baby. It's basically one of the largest aircraft in the fucking free world!

Playboy: So size matters to you?

Nichole: Actually, when fucking, not really.

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