
Dorothy Mays

Dorothy Mays


Nuremberg Germany


5' 6"

Playmate of the month

July 1979

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If you find yourself in Maryland and in need of a good haircut, schedule an appointment with our Miss July 1979 to get the best cut in town. “I love cutting guys’ hair. Every 45 minutes, you meet a different person, and each of them becomes your friend. I’d never cut women’s hair. They’re never satisfied,” says Dorothy Mays as she runs her fingers through her dirty-blonde curls. “But, with guys, they come in, get a haircut and leave in a completely different frame of mind. They’re easy to please. Besides, once you get their heads in your hands, they tell you everything!” Like any good hairstylist, Dorothy is an expert in the art of conversation. She has no problem listening to her customers’ life stories, but we wanted to know all about the all-natural blonde who was born in Nuremberg, Germany. “When I turned 14, I started getting cute. Before that, I was the pits. I became popular with guys and we used to do a lot of partying. A lot of partying. My parents were very strict and I couldn't go out at night, so I had to do everything before 4:30 in the afternoon,” admits our busty Playmate who says she changed after she nearly pushed her mother to her breaking point. “I had a pen pal, Nancy, in New Jersey, and we used to exchange endless letters with each other. One day, when I was 16, I ran away from home and went to find Nancy in New Jersey. I went to her school; she was in typing class. We had never met until then. I stayed with her until her parents got suspicious. I guess they didn't believe what I had told them: that I had already graduated from high school. I was pretty wild back then, but when I got home and saw what it had done to my mother, it straightened me right out.” Life wasn’t completely kind to the new and improved Dorothy once she changed her ways. When she was 19, she was prepared to wed the man she believed was the love of her life. Unfortunately, he had a change of heart last minute and left our Miss July 1979 at the altar. “I was too young, but I was crazy about him,” admits Miss Mays who hasn’t let that deter her energetic spirit. “At this point, I really don't have enough time to devote to a relationship. I'm basically a very romantic person. And if I found a guy I was really in love with, I'd want to do so much for him I wouldn't have time to get my business together.” As for this lucrative business venture, Dorothy believes along with having great stylists and being a good listener, her salon will be above the rest because of it’ll have provocative reading material in the waiting room. “Of course, I'll have a subscription to Playboy, so my customers will have something to read,” proudly says our Miss July 1979. Now, that’s what we call excellent customer service.


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