
Aleksandra Smelova

Aleksandra Smelova


Moscow, Russia

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Meet Aleksandra Smelova, a beautiful blonde model with an edge all her own. Coming to Playboy Plus from Moscow, Russia, Aleksandra has been modeling for about a year and absolutely loves her job. In fact, she’s become quite a sensation throughout Europe. “I entered modeling as a young [woman]; I was maybe 19 at the time,” she reminisces. “I entered modeling because I was always very flirtatious and because the money was excellent,” she adds bluntly. When she’s not practicing her talents in front of the camera, Aleksandra is a homebody and a lover of animals. “My life outside modeling is not that interesting,” she laughs. “I have two dogs and a fluffy cat who I rescued from a shelter!” Frankly, there’s nothing not to love about the wonderful Aleksandra — see for yourself, right here, on Playboy Plus!


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