
Andreani Tsafou

Andreani Tsafou


Kalamata Greece


5' 10"

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Say yasou - that’s Hellenic for hello – to Andreani Tsafou, a glamour model from Kalamata, Greece. She’s tall, with long brown hair, brown eyes and the most beautiful body this side of the Aegean – so beautiful, in fact, that she was named Playmate of the Year 2010 in the Greek edition of Playboy. “I set my goals high, but this wasn’t something I expected,” says Andreani. “I want to live up to my title as best as possible, and hopefully it will give me opportunities in modeling and acting. Being Playmate of the Year is like earning a degree!” When she’s not in front of the camera, Miss Tsafou is just as dedicated to her craft – or should we say her feminine charms. “I give it all in my work and personal life,” she says. “In the bedroom, I’m very imaginative, and I can do anything to impress a man. One thing is for certain – after you’ve been with me, we’ll both leave the bed five pounds lighter.”


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