
Annette D'Zam

Annette D'Zam




5' 8"

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Annette’s not an executive assistant in real life, but she plays one on TV. As a contestant on the show My Big Fat Obnoxious Boss, she toiled for a monkey who decided her fate by spinning a wheel; Annette won the show. Her next gig as Donald Trump’s receptionist on The Celebrity Apprentice—answering phones, letting contestants into the board room, sitting there looking pretty—was more rewarding. “It was a pleasure working for Donald Trump,” she says. “I was surprised that even though he was so famous, he remembered my name and took the time to say ‘hello’ to me every day.” Annette wasn’t sure whether the celebrity contestants would be as gracious with her. “Everyone ended up being really nice. I thought Gene Simmons was really funny—the first thing he said to me was ‘You know I like women…wink wink.’” Ms. D’Zam, you’re on fire!


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