
Bonnie Large

Bonnie Large


Glendale CA USA


5' 4"

Playmate of the month

March 1973

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Playmate Bonnie Large is a woman in charge of her domain—and boy, is her life ever filled to the rim with goals, jobs and ambitions. Growing up in Glendale, the all-natural brunette hated hearing the words ‘should’ and ‘have to.’ Bonnie didn’t have to do anything she didn’t want to do and moved to the beat of her own drum. “In the 1969 Rose Queen tryouts, I finished in the top 10 percent but was disqualified because I was only a junior in high school,” confesses Bonnie. “I'd been told that they make exceptions, but they didn't make one in my case.” Upset, but not discouraged, the blue-eyed student graduated high school a year early by taking an intensive program during the summer. Living in a small apartment in Alhombra and driving worn-out Beetle wasn’t luxurious, but it did belong to her and that’s what mattered most to the high school graduate with heaps of ambition. All she needed now was a job and she wasn’t in a position to refuse any sort of employment. Working as a dancer, a secretary and a magician’s assistant where she disappeared only to reappear and be sawed in half wasn’t ideal, but she needed work. However, no job compared to when she worked as a veterinarian’s assistant for the animal who has two great Danes, three cats and a gopher snake. It was working here that awoke Bonnie’s desire heal the wounded and study medicine, but to get there, she would need money and lots of it. She began to take stock of her personal inventory—she’s all-natural, intelligent, an exotic product of several ethnicities including Scottish, French, Seminole and German and to top it all off, she’s comfortable in her own skin. The confident, busty beauty tested for Playmate and was over-the-moon to hear she was voted our Miss March 1973. Not only was she stunning during her photoshoot with photographers William and Mel Figge, but she was completely at ease doing her first full-front nude without being partly covered in any way after only a few pictures were taken. “I love being a Playmate because it’s about the biggest ego booster I can imagine and the excitement!” exclaims our giddy Miss March 1973. “I can’t wait to go as far as I can in medicine.” With her Playmate earnings and the money she made from writing a book of erotic poetry, she went on to study what she always wanted to and now specializes in neurotherapy, biofeedback therapy and hypnotherapy. Bonnie Large—now Dr. Large—is helping children all around California with a heart the size of her last name.


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