
Cara Wakelin

Cara Wakelin


Melbourne Australia Australia


5' 4"

Playmate of the month

November 1999

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You might say that Cara Wakelin is a good girl. All natural, with wheaten blonde hair, Cara was born in Australia and raised in Canada by her mother. The small family was down on its luck, but still plucky, and Cara’s mother encouraged her daughter to try out for Playboy. “When my mom saw the article about the Playmate 2000 search, she said, ‘You have to do this’,” says Cara. “I’ve never been very confident about my appearance, but after the test shoot, I thought it would’ve been tragic if I’d bailed!” Before she knew it, Cara was our Miss November 1999, with an open invitation to the Playboy Mansion. “I was so nervous the first time I met Hef,” she admits. “I couldn’t believe I was shaking his hand, much less eating dinner with him.” When not in front of the camera, Cara loves to travel, and will hit the open road at a moment’s notice. “I love to get in my car and drive,” she says. “Even though I was born in Australia, I’ve lived a sheltered life.” After her Playmate spread, Cara was anything but sheltered – given roles in movies and television, including Death to Smoochy and Relic Hunter, she was planted firmly in the spotlight. “I’ll do anything that leads to success and happiness,” says Cara. “I’m open to many possibilities!”


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