
Cara Zavaleta

Cara Zavaleta


Bowling Green OH USA


5' 6"

Playmate of the month

November 2004

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For those of us raised in the MTV generation, Playmate Cara Zavaleta needs no introduction. Hailing from Bowling Green, Ohio, pert brunette Cara followed in Jenny McCarthy’s MTV-star footsteps on Road Rules: South Pacific. “I want to enjoy everything that life has to offer,” says Cara. “I live in the present!” It was in that spirit that she accepted our offer for the Centerfold and became our Miss November 2004. “For me, sexy is wearing next to nothing,” she says. “I love to wear sheer, barely-there clothes.” Contrary to the active wear she favored on Road Rules, Cara is soft and feminine at heart, and credits Playboy for her newfound love of lingerie. After her issue hit newsstands, Cara became a hostess for Playboy TV, and these days, she’s loving the family life and everything that has to offer her, too. “I’ve learned that you can’t take anything too personally,” she says. “I don’t take myself too seriously, and I think people like that.” ‘Like’ isn’t strong enough a word.


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