Playboy Muses

Casey Connelly

Casey Connelly


Kingman Arizona USA


5' 6"

Playboy Muse of the month

October 2007

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Say hello to Casey Connelly, a desert rose from Phoenix, Arizona. She’s got long brown hair, brown-green eyes, long legs and an open mind. “I grew up in a small town in the high Sonoran desert, right off Route 66,” she says. “We lived at the foot of the mountains. I had two older brothers, so I don’t mind getting dirty. I love being outside, and I go to Burning Man every year.” These days, Casey lives and works in Phoenix, but she’s still a small town girl at heart. She spends a lot of time at home, reading in bed – “I just picked up The Fountainhead,” she says – and tending to her cactus and succulent gardens. “I live on the outskirts of town, at least half an hour from civilization,” she jokes. “I own a few guns – a 38 Special Smith & Wesson, a 357 Magnum and an Uzi.” She smiles. “All for protection, of course.” Casey has some modeling experience – she was a Maxim Campus Cutie in 2006, and later featured as one of the Tempe 12. “Playboy was on my bucket list,” she says. “There was a casting call in Phoenix, and I figured, what the heck, I’m 25 and I’m single – so I went.” A few weeks later, she was on a plane to Malibu to shoot with Fab Fernandez. “Playboy was on my bucket list,” she says. “When I was about seven, my brothers and I stole a stack of Playboy magazines from our neighbor’s bathroom. We took them home and looked through them. That’s when I knew – I wanted to be a Playboy model when I grew up.” For now, Casey is taking it as it comes – but she’s not taking names or numbers. “I’m not ready to break up with myself,” she says. “I have the sex drive of a seventeen-year-old boy, but I’m young, and I cherish my independence.” So do we, Casey – so do we.


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