Playboy Muses

Cassie Laine

Cassie Laine


Los Angeles CA United States


5' 1"

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Meet Cybergirl Cassie Laine, a nude model from Los Angeles, California. A real doll at 5’2”, under a hundred pounds, she’s all natural, with dark hair and eyes, and skin like fine porcelain. “I had planned to go to beauty school,” she says, her voice soft and gentle. “But then I got into modeling.” No modest mouse, Cassie went headlong into nude modeling – and before long, she was signed with an agency. “When I first started, I didn’t like the work,” she says. “I loved the outfits – having my hair and makeup done, looking beautiful – but it’s an art, and I had to practice to get it right.” Right or wrong, Cassie was thrilled to shoot for Playboy, and her first set was like a scene out of her favorite movie, Memoirs of a Geisha. “It had an Oriental theme,” she says, “and I got to wear a beautiful kimono. I loved it so much.” When she’s not working, hard-to-get Cassie takes it easy – going to dinner with friends, or staying home with a bowl of popcorn and a movie. “I mean, I like to get dressed up and go out,” she says. “But I prefer to stay home in my pajamas.” When it comes to dating, she plays it even closer to home. “I like guys who are smart and confident, but not manipulative,” she says, light. “Actually, my on-screen crush is Christopher Walken. There’s just something about him!”


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