
Chris Koren

Chris Koren


Cleveland Ohio USA


5' 6"

Playmate of the month

March 1970

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Cleveland-native Christine Koren has been working fulltime at an art gallery in Hollywood, but don’t think for a second that means she’s artistic herself. The all-natural brunette isn’t the creative type and doesn’t very much enjoy getting dirty even if it were in the name of art. The only time she does ever exercise her creativity—other than in the bedroom—is when the health-conscious beauty is in the kitchen. “Things like wheat germ, avocado honey and papaya juice beat TV dinners any time in my house,” says Chris who lives in Los Angeles. “But, I admit I'm a nut on the subject.” Our Playmate of the Month can attest that purchasing organic and locally-sourced foods is not easy or cheap, which is precisely why she needed to land herself a part-time job at a Pasadena boutique on top of her job at Tony Amiry’s gallery. “The customers are even more fun than the clothes,” says the all-natural brunette. “I’m so wild about clothes. I want to buy more than I sell.” To keep her hands off her credit cards and to keep newly-purchased clothes out of her handbag, Chris busies herself at the beach—one of the many perks of living on the West Coast. Our Miss March 1970 is an avid cyclist and water-skier, but her favorite activity has to be sailing with her friends off Marina Del Rey—a far cry from her upbringing in Ohio. “I grew up with my older brother and younger sister in Cleveland. My father is a machinist and my mother is a housewife,” says our Miss March 1970 who isn’t ready to settle down anytime soon. “I'm still trying to find out all the things I am. When I do, I'll know the type of mate I'm suited for—and vice versa.” While she may be putting the final touches on her own path in life, Chris does know she isn’t like most people from her generation and needs an older man to make sure he isn’t either. “Many kids are trying to find themselves through the drug scene, but I think there are better ways, and lots of people—I'm one of them—have begun to explore these alternatives over the past few years,” explains our Playmate of the Month who believes this is why she’s open to dating older men. “Age has no bearing on maturity, the physical and material are unimportant, but spiritual character a must. This fall at UCLA, I intend to study yoga and metaphysics; they have it all over artificial stimulants as a means of self-discovery: They discipline the mind.” Chris says she hopes to meet the love of her life at school, perhaps even in her program so they could bond over that commonality. One thing is certain; her soulmate could be anyone—even someone looking at her centerfold right now. “I love being a Playmate because somewhere my mate is waiting; perhaps he's a Playboy reader—I hope he is,” says Chris Koren.


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