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Christina Cruise

Christina Cruise


Niagara Falls ON Canada


5' 8"

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Coming to Playboy from Niagara Falls is Christina Cruise. “I love to dance,” admits the tall brunette. “It clears my mind and is just too much fun! I also love to model, hang out with my girls and, of course, party!” The all-natural party girl is an aesthetics major from Kingston College and while the general population wouldn’t think the Niagara Falls party scene is much to brag about, she says that assumption is completely misleading. “The party scene at Kingston is off campus and in the clubs. My friends and I know how to stir things up with our crazy moves, and we hit up as many dance clubs as we can,” explains our voluptuous Coeds of the Week for August 17, 2006. “Guys just can't resist my charms. I'm an expert at teasing any guy into action.” Teasing may not be nice, but coming from Miss Cruise it feels so right.


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