
Christina L. Santiago

Christina L. Santiago


Chicago IL USA


5' 4"

Playmate of the month

August 2002

Playmate of the year


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Latin is a romance language, and Christina Santiago is as romantic as it gets. Hailing from Chicago, Illinois, Christina credits her dark hair, sparkling brown eyes and full lips to her Portuguese heritage – and thanks to all of the above, we credit her as our one and only Miss August 2002. A finalist on Fox’s Girl Next Door: The Search for a Playboy Centerfold, Christina may not have taken first place, but she did take home her very own Centerfold. “At first, I was disappointed,” she says. “When I got the call saying I was going to be Miss August, I had to eat my words!” At the time of her appearance, Christina was a first-time nude model, but she didn’t let it daunt her for a minute. “I didn’t feel uncomfortable,” she says. “I’m content with my body, and I’m not afraid to show it. Hef sees potential in me – he’s willing to give me the chance that no one else has given me!” In the words of many a commenter, first – and with her beautiful face, body and fiery personality, it certainly wasn’t her last. In 2003, Christina was named Playmate of the Year. “My ambitions are to become an actress or choreographer,” she says. “In the near future, I see myself with my man in our house, being very happy. I want just one – I like a guy who has a nice body and takes good care of himself.” Without a doubt, Miss Santiago sets a good example.


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