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Cody Renee

Cody Renee


Champaign IL USA


5' 1"

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Like most fulltime students at the University of Illinois, Cody Renee has multiple part-time jobs to help pay for school. “When I’m not in school, I’m always working. I have three jobs,” says Cody. One of her part-time jobs includes working at Hooters, which is where she met a contributing Playboy photographer who couldn’t understand how the blonde with the blue eyes and all-natural voluptuous figure wasn’t a Playboy model. The petite communications major was frequent pageant contestant and decided to take the photographer’s advice and trade in her tiara for a set of bunny ears. “I got the call that I had made it when I was working at Hooters,” says Cody. “I was absolutely ecstatic. I told one of my coworkers and she started screaming and jumping up and down in the middle of the store. Everyone was super excited by the news.” No one is more excited than Playboy fans, for they get to call her our Coed of the Week for May 5, 2011.


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