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Courtney Storm

Courtney Storm


Manhattan KS USA

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To find out what the atmosphere is really like at Kansas State University in Manhattan, KS, we asked animal science and industry major, Courtney Storm. “We're a typical state school in that everyone goes to a lot of house parties and hangs out at bars on weekends,” says the voluptuous coed. “Of course, football weekends are crazy here. All in all, it's a great time.” When our all-natural Coed of the Week for November 30, 2006 attends any party, she always seems to find herself tending bar—not that she really minds, of course. “I definitely have some skills behind the bar. One day, I want to own my own bar,” says dark-haired Courtney. “I like the simple things. I like a good bourbon or a dirty martini. Mostly, I just love hanging out with friends.” We’ll take one bourbon and one dirty martini, Miss Storm.


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