Playboy Muses

Danielle Gamba

Danielle Gamba


Martinez CA USA


5' 4"

Playboy Muse of the month

October 2004

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As a Raiderette cheerleader for the Oakland Raiders, not to mention a dancer and a model featured in several magazines, Danielle Gamba is used to being the center of attention. Our dark-haired Cybergirl of the Month for October 2004 has been getting a lot of extra special attention lately, hanging out at the famous Playboy Mansion. “I always wear my one-of-a-kind pieces to the Playboy Mansion,” says aspiring lingerie designer Miss Gamba. “My design style is classic but pushes the envelope with innovation. My philosophy is quality over quantity.” French-speaking Danielle has a degree in fashion, and knows when to be serious and when to let loose and be silly. When asked what animal she would be, it was clear from her answer that Italian-Spanish Danielle was meant to be in Playboy. “I’d be a bunny,” she says. “At first they look sweet and innocent, but then they end up taking you on a wild chase to see if you can hang.” We cannot imagine anyone who would pass up a chance to chase down this voluptuous D-cup rabbit.


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