
Debbie Boostrom

Debbie Boostrom


Peoria Illinois USA


5' 4"

Playmate of the month

August 1981

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Growing up in Largo, Debbie Boostrom developed a love for the beach and warm weather. However, the old-fashioned beach babe knew she wasn’t meant to spend her life in Florida. With no real destination in mind, the blue-eyed brunette and her then-boyfriend embarked on a road trip to see America and hoped it would end with her settling down somewhere hot by the ocean. “I think we missed a few states, but not many. It was great fun, camping out in the mountains and the deserts. Every day, we'd drive and see the sights until we felt like stopping, and then we'd stop. No rules, no regulations, just a lot of fun and freedom,” recalls Debbie of her journey in a beat-up van. “I'll always be glad I did that while I was young. It took a long time, traveling and bouncing from one place to another, to satisfy my wanderlust.” Finally, our voluptuous Playmate of the Month ended up in La Jolla, California and was sold on the city once she saw the beach. “I fell in love with it right away. It's just what I want. Fresh air, nice people, great weather and the ocean. And a very laid-back pace,” describes our all-natural Miss August 1981 who frequently travels to Los Angeles for modeling work. “I've been here four times in the past three weeks, but it's perfect that way. I can visit my friends, do my work and hurry back home. The pace in L.A. is too fast for me. I want a more easygoing, home-oriented life.” Debbie may be our sexy Miss August 1981, but she isn’t the type to party every night and stumble home in the wee hours of the morning with her stilettos in hand. Miss Boostrom is a good girl who dreams of having the perfect marriage and family all while living in a beautiful home by the water. All she needs to start this fantasy is a man. “I’m a real homebody. I do macramé and needlepoint. There’s so much satisfaction in designing something yourself. I love to cook. I’m Swedish and German, but my specialty is lasagna,” says Debbie. “My ambition is for a happy marriage and a big family. That's what I've always wanted.” Speaking of family, the Boostrom brood couldn’t have been prouder of their Debbie when she won the title of our Miss August 1981—including Grandma. “My family thinks my being a Playmate is wonderful. Even my grandmother thought it was great,” laughs Debbie. “My friends thought I might let it go to my head, but when we got together recently, they said, ‘She’s the same old Boostrom.’ They’re right—I’ve even got my same old van.” We hope more grandmas encourage their granddaughters to pose for Playboy like Debbie Boostrom’s.


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