
Echo Leta Johnson

Echo Leta Johnson


Austin Texas USA


5' 6"

Playmate of the month

January 1993

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As noted by Brian Eno, the qualities of echo can be strange – but from her natural beauty to her kind-hearted dedication to the environment, we just couldn’t love Echo Leta Johnson more. Born in Austin, Texas, honey blonde Echo was raised in Ecuador, and later, in Santa Fe, New Mexico. As a former Miss Santa Fe, Miss Johnson was no stranger to the world of modeling, and though she was only turning nineteen at the time, she handled her turn as Miss January 1993 like a seasoned pro. “Believe it or not, I can be moody, impatient and even a little bitchy,” she proclaims. “People keep asking me why I don’t go to Hollywood, but the starlet route has never appealed to me. I want more control over my life than that.” Back in Austin, the locals snapped up copies of Echo’s issue, even while those in Santa Fe decried it as filth. “I didn’t let it get to me,” says Echo with a shrug, of what she describes as “drop-dead looks” from potentially jealous women. “My free-spirited mother is solid as a rock.” In fact, it was Echo’s mother who always told her she could pose for Playboy – she’d told her daughter for years that she was pretty enough to be a Playmate, and we’re delighted that she saw fit to meet her destiny with Playboy. These days, Miss Johnson is a licensed esthetician in Orange County, and she uses her keen environmental awareness to choose products that suit the hair and skin as well as the planet. Saving the world, one pretty face at a time – that’s our Echo Johnson.


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