
Elizabeth Jordan

Elizabeth Jordan


Fort Myers Florida USA


5' 1"

Playmate of the month

May 1968

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Featured on the covers of magazines nationwide, Elizabeth Jordan’s modeling career included everything from fashion spreads to hand modeling. However, she still wasn’t being recognized for her hard work until Playboy came around. “Being a model is fun, but it's also hard work,” admits the petite brunette from Fort Myers, FL. “Most people don't realize how difficult and exhausting it is to hold a single pose for the better part of an hour, but every model does.” Even though Elizabeth works diligently as a model, she admits she won’t be a model for long especially after reaching the peak of her career when she became our Miss May 1968. “I'd like to be an artist with a husband, two children and a rustic home in the mountains,” says our Playmate of the Month. “In my spare time, I sketch and paint and if I had more time, I'd do more sketching and more painting!” With painting and her Cherokee heritage being the focal points of her identity, our all-natural Miss May 1968 blended the two in a way that could allow her to express herself and help others tap into their creativities. “A friend of mine who works for the board of education introduced me to Ernie Stevens, director of the Los Angeles Indian Center. I told him I’d like to help, and all of a sudden I was teaching Indian kids how to draw and really having a ball,” she explains. “Ernie’s also interested in becoming a fashion designer. He needed an artist to illustrate his creations—they’re very original, incidentally—and I’ve been able to help him out that way as well.” Assisting indigenous youth in exploring a creative outlet is very important to Elizabeth who does not want the future generation to endure the discrimination the previous generations have. “Our Government has consistently maltreated, and then ignored, the Indians. More Federal aid to Indian education and housing would rapidly change their status as second-class citizens,” explains Elizabeth who plans to move to Arizona and work with Native-American youth there as well. “I'm really looking forward to long rides into the Arizona desert. I'm not a city girl at heart: I like the wide-open spaces.” As the beauty with the long, dark hair fantasizes about riding Tennessee Walking Horses and Appaloosas, she says she is most excited about painting every day for several months. “I'm an old-school art lover—I like realism. The two painters who have most influenced my own work are Picasso in his Blue Period -- when he was sane—and Van Gogh,” explains our Miss May 1968 who recently turned down a role in an Arthur Penn film. “I was a little surprised to discover I had absolutely no desire to become an actress. I suppose that I just want to do my thing—and that’s paint.” Elizabeth Jordan will make an art lover out of anyone.


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