
Emilia Jung

Emilia Jung
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“I have no problem with being naked in front of the camera,” shares Emilia Jung, Playboy Germany’s Miss June 2022. “On the contrary: I like to show myself and my body.” Emilia is a 20-year-old model from Freiburg, Germany, who is proud to be an International Playmate. “Playboy photos have become very aesthetic, and for me, more art than nudity,” she shares. A model, Emilia also has a passion for health, fitness, and music. “I also work as a personal trainer. I can imagine starting an apprenticeship or degree in fitness or nutrition in the future,” she says. “Music is also an important part of my life. I’ve been playing guitar for 12 years. I especially like old-school rock music like Nirvana or Metallica!” Don’t miss Emilia’s Playmate feature here on Playboy Plus.


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