Playboy Muses

Erin Nicole

Erin Nicole


Baltimore MD USA


5' 10"

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Cybergirl Erin Nicole is a celebrity in her hometown of Baltimore. On Sundays, the all-natural blonde would slip into her purple cheerleading uniform and cheer on her beloved Baltimore Ravens. Today, the former NFL cheerleader is pursuing a career as an illustrator and painter –and hopes to become recognized for her artwork instead of her cheerleading. “My career ambition is to join an ongoing restoration project, such as the Sistine Chapel,” says the tall painter who hopes to be a famous artist like Picasso. As the relative of a famous Hollywood actor, who starred on The Andy Griffith Show and Three's Company, busty Erin is no stranger to the limelight. “I’m related to Don Knotts,” happily admits our Cybergirl of the Week for April 7, 2003. From Fantasy Island to Playboy and to, perhaps, the Metropolitan Museum of Art, Erin’s family is clearly star-studded.


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