
Franziska Distler

Franziska Distler
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Franziska Distler is most known as Playboy Germany's Miss Oktoberfest 2022. "My photoshoot took place in beautiful Austria," shares Franziska. "The location was an absolute dream, and I got along with the photographer." Franziska is an influencer and business manager who models on the side, but Playboy has always been her goal. "Playboy is a big dream come true for me," she says. "I wanted it, and as a Munich resident, it is a great honor to be a [Oktoberfest] Playmate. I'm looking forward to [Oktoberfest] and everything that lies ahead!" Posing nude for Franziska is no big deal. "What bothers me is that nudity is still seen as problematic," she says bluntly. "I don't understand why it is [considered] okay to go to the sauna or a nude beach naked but not to be photographed naked. Playboy takes amazing photos. Where should you show yourself naked if not Playboy?" When she's not working, Franziska is taking life as it comes. "I don't have a five-year plan or anything like that," she says confidently. "I let everything come my way. I would say that I'm very spontaneous." See her spread as Miss Oktoberfest 2022 for Playboy Germany here!


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