Playboy Muses

Goddess Angelina

Goddess Angelina


Galveston, TX

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Get to know Goddess Angelina, a Miami-based model from Galveston, Texas. “It’s a really small town outside of Houston, and there isn’t much to do, which is why I like it,” laughs Angelina. “It’s a calm town.” What makes her, ‘her,’ you ask? It’s her easy going personality and strong work ethic. “I’d consider myself to be a very independent and grounded person,” Angelina shares of herself. “I’m hard-working and really driven.” There was, at one point, where Angelina considered a different career path. “I’m passionate about animals,” she tells us. “I love animals and was always the one to grow an emotional attachment to pets growing up. I even considered being a veterinarian.” Though she is still passionate about animals, the modeling industry has treated her well. “I’m most proud of being able to pay off my parent’s house by the time I was 21,” she smiles. We first met Angelina through her photographer, but she learned of Playboy a while back. “I first discovered Playboy on TV. I would watch ‘The Girls Next Door’ with my older sister and be so in awe of the girls and their lives,” she says. It was then something sparked for her. “I always found it so beautiful and powerful to be a Playboy model.” Learn more about Goddess Angelina through her pictorials, right here on Playboy Plus.


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