
Heather Van Every

Heather Van Every


Chicago Illinois USA


5' 4"

Playmate of the month

July 1971

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Playmate Heather Van Every is an active beauty who loves exploring the outdoors. Originally from Chicago, Heather has been calling Denver home since she was four years old –and she doesn’t plan on giving that title to any other city. The lush, green forests, the fresh air and the snow-covered Rockies are more than enough to keep the all-natural brunette in love with the state of Colorado. “I'll never get over a sort of awe for this place. It's so big that you just feel swallowed by it all. You can feel lost even when you're not,” says our Playmate of the Month who loves to go on camping trips as often as she can. “I'm not wild about fishing, but my dates usually are. So if they'll bait the hook, I'll do my part. I'm better at the cooking. That I like.” When she isn’t exploring the wilderness, our blue-eyed Miss July 1971 is working as a Bunny at the Denver Playboy Club where she welcomes members at the door and has even worked in the Club’s gift shop. “It’s just the right job for me,” says the cottontail who enjoys challenging patrons to a game of bumper pool. “I get to move around and talk to all sorts of interesting people; it’s less like working than being a hostess at a party.” While she’s fond of her position as a Bunny, Heather does say—much to the dismay of Playboy Club members—that she doesn’t see herself pursuing a career in the entertainment industry like most Bunnies. “I don't have any modeling plans. I don't want to act. I guess I don't have any driving ambitions or dreams. I wanted to be a Playmate so people will have something to remember me by,” explains our Miss July 1971 who’s centerfold appeared in the movie Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas starring actor Johnny Depp. “Like a lot of girls, I plan to get married and raise a family. Careers are fine for some women, but I'm not one of them. I just like to take things one day at a time. And enjoy what's available around here.” Since leaving the Club, Heather has been spending her time doing what she loves to do most—exploring Denver. “It's so unlike other cities. It's big enough, but it doesn't seem to close in on you. You can feel the countryside around you. The air is clean. I love it,” she says. Not ready to be tied down to one job just yet, Heather has been expanding her artistic skills by painting, wood carving and daydreaming of what she wants to do next. “I'm not one of those people who are always in motion, always doing something or planning something. I guess some people would say I'm lazy; but I wouldn't want it any other way,” she explains. “Living each day as it comes is more my style.” We should all be more like Heather Van Every.


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