
Hope Olson

Hope Olson


Prairie de Chien WI USA


5' 8"

Playmate of the month

October 1976

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From being on Fantasy Island to posing for her Playboy centerfold, Playmate Hope Olson has been riding the entertainment industry wave. The tall blonde’s day-to-day before becoming our Miss October 1976 was far from the glamorous life she lives today. Hope lived in Prairie de Chien, Wisconsin, on her grandfather’s farm until she was 15 years old, making her a bonafide country girl. “Living on a farm is incredibly healthy. For one thing, no one cares what you wear,” explains the all-natural blonde. “You don’t have to dress up for anything. You don’t even have to dress. You can just be your natural self.” If Hope is being completely honest, she feels her most comfortable when she’s totally naked—and why shouldn’t she? Being naked isn’t about Hope showing off her voluptuous body. Instead, it’s about connecting her all-natural, beautiful vessel to the earth as she explores her sensuality and the energy of Mother Earth. “I get off on textures. Making love in a hayloft is different from making love on a beach. When you’re finished, your body is covered by a fine gold dust,” explains our Playmate of the Month who moved to California at the end of her high school years. “I discovered that the ocean was not exactly the lake I had been used to swimming in. It's much more powerful and dangerous. On my first day, I wiped out completely. I lost the bottom of my bathing suit. Got sand burns, the works.” Even though our blonde-haired Miss October 1976 is enjoying learning how to surf—and how to make love on the beach without getting a sand rash—she will never become a Rodeo Drive or Sunset Boulevard fixture. “I could never live in a city apartment. I would miss the fresh air. Sunlight is very erotic. It makes you feel sensuous, lazy, yet more alive. There’s nothing quite like it,” says the diehard country girl. “Growing up on a farm has fashioned my taste in men. I want a lover who is strong and ambitious. He should be able to take me two falls out of three in Indian leg wrestling.” Our Miss October 1976 says her ideal date would include a short road trip to a bluegrass festival with nothing more than a tent, food and minimal clothing. “I like the idea of people sitting around, eating, drinking, raising hell. They're always friendly. We just unroll our sleeping bag and make ourselves at home,” says Hope. Home is wherever Hope Olson is.


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