
Jacqueline Scherer

Jacqueline Scherer
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Jacqueline Scherer is Playboy Germany’s Miss May 2016, and it’s easy to see why. Jacqueline is a friendly, intelligent, bold model and actress who has admired Playboy for as long as she can remember. “Playboy just suits me,” says Jacqueline. In addition to her modeling and acting, she loves to indulge in a good book. “My biggest dream is to become Playmate of the Year,” shares Jacqueline. “I would also like to write my own book at some point.” Originally from Besigheim, Germany, Jacqueline is of Greek and German descent. She shot her Miss May 2016 feature in the Bavarian Alps. “I love luxury! I’m not superficial, but looking at the Alps in this atmosphere [would make anyone] weak!” Check out her spread for Playboy Germany here on Playboy Plus!


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