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Jaimee Addison

Jaimee Addison


Denton TX USA


5' 10"

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Meet Jaimee Addison, a biology major from the University of North Texas who knows what she wants and if you’re lucky, you may be who she wants. “I just want a guy to be himself, even if he's a dork,” says the tall African-American model. “I don't like big shots.” Dark-haired Miss Addison has experienced her fair share of cocky college guys and she isn’t impressed—if anything, they made her realize she’s way too mature for the college party scene. “I'm on the grown up and sexy tip, which basically means I date older men,” says our all-natural Coed of the Week for April 3, 2008. “I feel I don't have much in common with college guys. I'm more of a socialite then a bopper, dancing around type.” There are plenty of Playboy fans who would love to show Jaimee how right she is to prefer sophisticated older men over the frat boys.


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