
Janet Lupo

Janet Lupo


Hoboken NJ USA


5' 6"

Playmate of the month

November 1975

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Hoboken, New Jersey is a proud town who loves to brag about their homegrown hero, Frank Sinatra. The Best is yet to Come singer brought such attention to Hoboken that the community celebrated his life and his legacy with several parks and streets named after him. Now, there’s a new name making waves in the entertainment industry from the New Jersey town by the Hudson River—our Miss November 1975. Janet Lupo is proud of her hometown and says growing up in a rough area definitely made her and family tough cookies. “My older brother was honored for saving four soldiers from a burning helicopter full of ammunition,” says the voluptuous brunette of her tough, yet conservative family. “We didn't know till we read about it in the papers.” The Italian/Czech/Irish beauty grew up to be a no nonsense stunner with a very high I.Q. However, school wasn’t her forte and she hated having to wake up early to attend class. Janet dropped out of high school and worked as a receptionist and switchboard operator. “The girls there were too catty,” says our Playmate of the Month. “My ambition is to be a stewardess and eventually a wife and mother. I've also considered becoming a social worker. I don't have what you'd call a great education, and I do want to make something of myself. I think I could handle that kind of work, so why not give it a try? There's nothing to lose.” What she didn’t expect was becoming our Miss November 1975, but with her glorious, all-natural 39F bust, how could she not? “I'm a Bunny at the Playboy resort in Great Gorge, New Jersey,” said the buxom brunette who more than content just being a Bunny. She was asked to test for Playmate more than once at the club by Playboy photographers, but refused the offer saying she couldn’t envision herself posing nude. That all changed when photographer Pompeo Posar convinced her to reconsider. “My father didn’t want me to pose nude,” recalls Janet. “So I told him, ‘I’m no virgin; I don’t go around screwing everyone, but I’ve been to bed with a couple of guys and there’ll be another one. So he’ll see me with no clothes on—and I won’t be getting a modeling fee.’” Her mother was on board with the idea of Janet becoming out Miss November 1975 from the beginning and did her best to persuade her father into seeing this was a good opportunity. “I will use my Playmate fee to pay some bills, to put a down payment on a car and buy something nice for my parents,” says our shapely Miss November 1975. Her mother was more than pleased with how tasteful Janet’s centerfold was and even showed it to her father to prove their daughter made the right choice for her career. He still wasn’t too convinced until he found himself at the grocery store one day. Standing behind men proudly discussing how one of Playboy’s bustiest Playmates of all-time was from Hoboken to which her father happily told them ‘That’s my daughter!’


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