Playboy Muses

Jennifer Love

Jennifer Love


Brisbane Australia


5' 8"

Playboy Muse of the month

November 2017

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You’ll fall for the sunny, funny Jennifer Love. Tall and slim, with blonde hair and olive-green eyes, she hails from rural Australia, which she more recently left in the dust. “I grew up in the bush,” says Jennifer. “It’s very hot and dry, and there’s not much to do. It really motivated me go bigger.” After a stint in a beauty pageant, Jennifer decided she was ready for a full-time modeling career. “Playboy came to me,” she says. “I mean, really – how can you say no to Playboy? They always have the most beautiful girls, and they asked me – that alone gave me the confidence I needed to pose nude!” When she’s not in front of the camera, you can find Miss Love at the club, dancing the night away with her girlfriends. “You’ll always find me on the dance floor,” she says with a laugh. “I get to the club with my hair and makeup done, and I leave covered in sweat!” If you want to take Jennifer home, you’ll have to do some fancy footwork, too. “I’m a bit fussy about guys,” she says. “I have a checklist. First, you have to be taller than me, because I’m 5’8”. Second, you have to be fit, but not a meathead. Tanned, with dark hair, blue or green eyes – and confident, but calm and humble, too!” Quite the laundry list, but it’s not a total wash. “I do like to be thrown around a bit in the bedroom,” she teases. “That’s so hot!” Funny – we could say the same thing about Jennifer Love.


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