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Jessica Michalzen

Jessica Michalzen


Tallahassee FL USA


5' 6"

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Life as a coed isn’t all fun and games—some students actually spend their college years studying and working like our Coed of the Week for January 28, 2010. “I’m in school all day until 4pm, then at work until midnight. So I’m pretty boring!” confesses Jessica Michalzen, a pre-med student at Florida State University. Busy doesn’t even begin to define the blue-eyed blonde’s schedule who studies medicine and biological sciences by day and works as a Hooters bartender at night. Even though she’s consistently occupied, that doesn’t mean that Miss Michalzen is too busy to meet that someone special. “At work, if I like someone, I’ll write my number on his tab,” giggles voluptuous Jessica. That is a bill we would gladly accept any day of the week.


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