
Jessica Witmann

Jessica Witmann


Heidelberg, Germany


5' 6"

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Independent, smart, and down-to-earth are a few ways we’d describe the International Playmate, Jessica Witmann. Most known for her title of Miss April 2020 for Playboy Germany, this 23-year-old model and student is pleased to also be featured right here on Playboy Plus. Born in Heidelberg and now based in Sinsheim, Jessica studies sociology at University when she’s not in front of the camera. “I’m currently studying social work,” she says. “In my voluntary year, I worked in a kindergarten. Children are very honest, and it is fulfilling to be an important caregiver for such small people.” As for dreams, Jessica wants to finish school, but she’s leaving what comes next up to fate. “I’m not religious, but I’m spiritual,” she says. “I believe in the powers of the universe and that you can achieve anything if you really believe in it. The important thing for me now is that I complete my studies, then, I will see.” When she’s not studying or modeling, Jessica is probably reading or playing sports. “I read a lot. I love Yuval Noah Harari’s books. If I get my hands on [those] books, I can’t stop reading,” she says. “I [also] try to do sports at least twice a week! I can really exhaust myself when I go jogging.” Learn more about Germany’s Miss April 2020, right here on Playboy Plus!


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