Playboy Muses

Jurgita Valts

Jurgita Valts


Philadelphia PA USA


5' 4"

Playboy Muse of the month

July 2006

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July’s heat wave is thanks to July 2006’s Cybergirl of the Month Jurgita Valts. Blonde-haired Jurgita was introduced to Playboy by Kara Monaco, Playboy Playmate of the Year in 2006. “I think Playboy shows women's bodies in sexy and intelligent ways,” says blue-eyed Jurgita. “I’m happy she sent my photos in to the company for me, and I'm happy to be a part of Playboy.” Originally from Lithuania, Jurgita had come to the United States with hopes of getting a 9 to 5 job, but that dream wasn’t glamourous enough for the European beauty. “Before coming to America, I dreamed of having an office job and a family. But my new dream is to model,” says Miss Valts. “My life changes every day.” One thing that will never change for Jurgita is her love for Playboy, which she happily displays on her hip in the form of a white Playboy bunny tattoo. We just love to watch her show it off.


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