
Karolina Jovanović

Karolina Jovanović


Belgrade Serbia


6' 0"

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It’s serves with a smile for Karolina Jovanović. Tall and curvy at six feet, and very, very sexy, she’s a pro tennis player in her home country of Serbia, and, most recently, a Playboy model. Suffice it to say that Karolina does it all, and she does it very, very well. Hailing from Belgrade, she started playing tennis at a local club, and since then, her rise to stardom has been nothing short of meteoric. “I practiced for 10 to 12 hours a day,” she says. “Tennis club was my second home. Other people noticed me and started talking, and suddenly I was a child prodigy.” Before she knew it, she was playing in national competitions. “After that, I started to play regularly in tournaments, and I became a national champion in all categories,” says Karolina. “In thirteen years, I’ve won all seven tournaments in Europe in the first and second categories, individually and in pairs.” No small feat, to be sure – and we’re sure that her tenacity on the court led to her fearlessness in the pages of Playboy Serbia. Lucky for you, you don’t have to go all the way to eastern Europe to get a good, long look at Karolina – this beautiful, natural blonde is right here on Playboy.


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