Playboy Muses

Kayla Love

Kayla Love


Brick NJ United States


5' 6"

Playboy Muse of the month

December 2011

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Fist pump along with Kayla Love, a Jersey shore girl who is now Cybergirl of the Month December 2011. She’s a tall, tanned brunette who’s been searching for her perfect man. “I love when men call a lady ‘ma’am’ and open their car door,” Kayla says. For anyone out there with eyes for Miss Love, the key to her heart is a little romance - and like any young woman, she loves being showered with attention on a date. “I want surprises,” Kayla says. “Rose petals on the bed, strawberries and a glass of wine. I’m a dork!” At the moment though, there’s only one gentleman on her mind. “Hugh Hefner! He’s such a sweetheart. You just want to squeeze him!” Visiting the Mansion and meeting the founder and editor-in-chief of Playboy not only put stars in Miss Love’s eyes, but it inspired her latest goal. “My dream was to be a Playboy model,” she says. “Now, my ultimate goal is to become a Playmate!” Good luck, Kayla. You definitely have Playmate talent. Read Kayla's Facetime interview, where she talks about her first encounter with Playboy, meeting Hugh, and what she looks for in a man.


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