
Kelly Burke

Kelly Burke


Los Angeles CA USA


5' 1"

Playmate of the month

June 1966

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Playmate Kelly Burke might be your love drug, but when she isn’t posing for Playboy, she’s refilling your supply of actual drugs—pharmaceuticals, that is. As a medical buyer in California, Kelly supervises the drug supply in local hospitals and pharmacies, making sure their stock is full with the right stuff. “My job can be fairly cut and dried one minute and then, in typical Ben Casey fashion, a nearby hospital phones in an emergency order,” explains the blue-eyed beauty from Los Angeles, “and I'm suddenly off and running all over the place to find the required medicines.” Loving her job for its highs and lows, the busty brunette will always go the extra mile for work even if it means doesn’t pay extra. “It’s important that orders arrive exactly as scheduled. An overlooked letter or a foul-up in the filing system could result in our running short of some important medical supplies,” says petite Kelly who will count the pills in the fridge during her breaks. “Some nights I count pill bottles the way others count sheep, but when I told my boss, he laughed and said, ‘Sorry, I can’t pay you overtime.’” While her boss may not be able to dish out some extra cash for our Playmate of the Month, Kelly’s coworkers were able to open their wallets and their hearts when they heard the good news. “When the office gang heard I was going to be a Playmate, they treated me to an expensive lunch and made me promise not to forget them when I became famous,” laughs our sexy Miss June 1966. “How could I forget a great group like that?” Freckled and confident during her centerfold photoshoot, our Playmate of the Month admits this was the most rebellious thing she’s ever done. “If I could, I would become more daring like I was during my Playboy photoshoot. If I could be like that all the time, I could do great things,” says the bashful beauty who quickly reverts back to being the good girl she is. “I would like to finish college and find a position in the medical field. I'm studying humanities and social sciences at Cal Poly in Pomona.” With school, work and now modeling taking up most of time, Kelly rarely has time to go on a date or even to relax, but when she does have a spare moment, she’s usually visiting her ‘boyfriend’ next door. “I love to go swimming in my neighbor’s pool and they also own two darling dogs. One's a $700 pedigreed toy poodle named Suzie; the other's a mongrel puppy that they rescued from the local dog pound for only five dollars. He's named Toy Tiger,” explains Kelly Burke. “Needless to say, I'm in love with the mutt.” That’s one lucky pooch.


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