
Kimber West

Kimber West


Atlanta GA USA


5' 10"

Playmate of the month

February 1997

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Most head west for fun, fame or fortune, but Kimber West has even loftier goals. A statuesque brunette at 5’9”, Kimber represents the American melting pot—she’s Polynesian, Spanish and Cherokee, with liberal dashes of Dutch and Irish thrown in. “I’m a Gemini, so I have about seven different personalities,” she acknowledges. “I’d like to do just about anything, especially acting. I think I can do it all—comedy, drama.” Kimber’s own drama began in Georgia, where her husband, James, encouraged her to audition for Playboy’s Girls of Atlanta pictorial. She wasn’t chosen for that pictorial, but with her otherworldly beauty, she was closely considered for Playmate. Once named our Miss February 1997, she packed her bags and headed west, ready to embark on a career in film. “Things are getting to be fun in LA,” she says. “There’s work out here, and there’s lots of culture – I could grow old here.” For now, young Kimber is off to a great start—having moved into the beachside house featured in steamy films Indecent Proposal and Color of Night, Miss West nabbed roles in Silk Stalkings, L.A. Heat and Black Scorpion, not to mention a guest spot on Jenny McCarthy’s variety show. Ever the individualist, she’s not content to merely follow in her Playmate sister’s footsteps. “Don’t get me wrong,” says Kimber with a smile. “I love Jenny, but my goal is to be the next Kimber West. My life is crazed, but I love it!” Without a doubt, there could only be one Miss February ’97.


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