
Kimberley Conrad

Kimberley Conrad


Moulton Alabama USA


5' 8"

Playmate of the month

January 1988

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From the small-town of Moulton, Alabama, to being the lady of Playboy Mansion, Kimberley Conrad is living a life that most would consider to be a fantasy. The tall blonde first met Hugh Hefner at the Mansion, where he was entranced by her beauty and spunk. After asking voluptuous Kimberley to join him and a group of Playboy models in watching a movie, Hef was stunned when she turned down his invitation. “I knew I was attracted to him, but I also knew he had his choice of hundreds of women. And I certainly was not going to be a one-night stand,” says Miss 1989. Once it was clear that the only intentions Hef possessed were loving ones, the two were inseparable. It wasn’t uncommon to see a beautiful Playmate on Hef’s arm, but it was a rare sight to see that Hef’s Playmate of the Year was supporting a large diamond ring on her left hand. “He treats me like royalty and I have to admit that I love it,” said Miss January 1988 after becoming Hef’s fiancée. “People always ask about the difference in our ages. I’m 26. He’s 62. But, he looks 40, and the way he thinks, the way he moves—it’s like he’s my age. And there’s a lot of passion in our relationship. He’s very passionate.” Kimberley has come a long way from the girl who was born in Alabama, raised in Vancouver to now being known as the Playmate who turned the infamous Mansion into a cozy home for Playboy’s first family. Soon after Hugh and Kimberley’s nuptials, Kimberley bore two Playboy heirs, Cooper and Marston. While motherhood does change a woman’s priorities, Miss 1989—the mother of two boys—believes women need to continue to see themselves as feminine sexual beings. “It’s important not to neglect your sensuous side. You have to develop it. When some women have children, they just bury their sensuality, and their husbands lose interest,” explains Miss Conrad. “You know, they chop off their hair, wear more jewelry and fall into the role of mom. Doing this Playboy pictorial was great. I felt like, wow this sensuous thing is still alive in here. It made me feel very sexy and really good about myself.” Kimberley is still very much the perfect balance of a wholesome mother and our sensual Playmate of the Year 1989.


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