
Laura Misch

Laura Misch


Tulsa OK USA


5' 4"

Playmate of the month

February 1975

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With colorful Mardi Gras celebrations taking place practically all year round in the French Quartier, delicious food at every turn and an endless supply of potent cocktails, New Orleans had everything Tulsa didn’t, according to our Miss February 1975. Laura Misch was an 18 year old high school dropout looking for direction when she found a pamphlet entitled Playboy Bunnies. “I dashed off a letter, enclosed a Polaroid of myself and sent it to the New Orleans Bunny Mother, since she was the closest to Tulsa,” recalls our Playmate of the Month who left home with only $34 to her name. “The next thing I knew, I was in New Orleans with a new job. I adore everything about New Orleans except for the humidity. But, I don’t think I'll never leave.” With her naturally voluptuous figure, big green eyes and her Playmate of the Month title under her belt, Laura was beginning to attract the attention of Hollywood directors including Dino De Laurentiis who found her a role in his movie, Mandingo. “I thought it would be awful with all those people watching me,” says our Miss February 1975 about her semi-nude scene where she played a prostitute. “But, they were good about it and kept their eyes on my face. Everybody was surprisingly attentive. They let me play with the cameras and showed me how to zoom in and out.” The movie was a milestone for Laura. She had always envisioned herself acting in Hollywood blockbusters and attending movie premieres where adoring fans would wait in line for hours for the chance to see the model on the red carpet. However, after working on a few films, she wasn’t passionate about an acting anymore and is now considering her options. “My ambitions now are to do freelance writing and photography,” explains Laura. “During my free time, I like to be alone in the park and think, and I enjoy writing and taking photos.” Writing and photography have taken Laura away from New Orleans and into hot Miami where she rallied and landed a writing job at The Miami Herald newspaper. “I don’t even like to stay in one job for too long,” says our Miss February 1975. “I get itchy feet.” Itchy feet struck again when Laura traded in the sunny beaches of Miami for snowy Denver where a job at The Rocky Mountain News awaited her along with a book deal. Laura Misch may be our accomplished Playmate of the Month and writer extraordinaire, but she says she’s still very much Laura from Oklahoma. “My friends know me as intelligent, totally without common sense, inconsistent, a dreamer, naïve and a good listener,” smiles our Miss February 1975.


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