Playboy Muses

Lauren Stagg

Lauren Stagg


West Hollywood CA USA


5' 6"

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Lauren Stagg is a striking beauty. Her honey-green eyes will stop anyone dead in their tracks, if busty physique hasn’t stopped them first. The West Hollywood girl is a tall model with long, brown hair and tons of ambition. Lauren fought hard to achieve her position as a cable network producer –but she’s considering closing that chapter of her life so she could open a new one. This new chapter would include Miss Stagg focusing on her personal life and crossing off items from her bucket list before her milestone birthday. “Before I turn 30, I want to dance with the Pussycat Dolls, host a travel-adventure TV show and write my autobiography,” explains Lauren. We hope the producers of the Pussycat Dolls call our Cybergirl of the Week for March 28, 2005, because it’s clear she has what it takes.


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