
Laurie Wood

Laurie Wood


Orange California USA


5' 10"

Playmate of the month

March 1989

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Looking at voluptuous Laurie Wood’s centerfold, you would have a hard time believing she wasn’t a popular girl at her Sparks, Nevada high school. The all-natural beauty with the long blonde hair encountered a constant stream of negative comments at school for her conservative beliefs. “I think a girl should wait until she’s married before she makes love to a man,” explains Laurie. “Making love is too important to use as a form of entertainment.” Miss Wood was adamant in her beliefs as a teen—naturally, this did not go over well with the sex-driven teenage boys in her class, who wanted more from the virginal Laurie. “Some of my high school friends stopped talking to me because I wouldn't go to bed with anyone,” reminisces the long-legged model. “On dates, the most I ever did was kiss. Boys would say, 'nobody wants a virgin anymore.' Of course, I wondered what making love was like, but I was willing to wait.” And wait she did, all the way until her wedding night, where hazel-eyed Miss Wood gave her virtue to her Prince Charming. “It didn't hurt. It was as perfect, as sexy as I'd always hoped it would be,” admits the five foot, ten inch model. Once Laurie felt the adrenaline rush from lovemaking, she was hooked. Her husband, Jeff, quickly learned how insatiable her libido was—when he’d come home from work every day, he’d find his bride wearing nothing but lingerie and a naughty smile. One particularly steamy birthday, Laurie’s gift to him didn’t require any wrapping. “As a birthday present to my man and a tribute to the institution of marriage, I posed for Playboy,” giggles our excited Playmate of the Month for March 1989. Yes, you read that correctly—Laurie wanted to give her husband the best birthday present possible, so she reached out to Playboy to become a Playmate. “Some of my friends are not going to believe it when they see these pictures. But, this is my moment—not every girl has a chance to give her husband a present like this,” explains Miss March 1989. Laurie Wood definitely qualifies for Wife of the Year—those mean boys from high school will regret their words when they see her centerfold.


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