
Leslie Bianchini

Leslie Bianchini


Chicago Illinois USA


5' 6"

Playmate of the month

January 1969

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Leslie Bianchini’s beauty was the worst kept secret in California—in fact, it’s the worst secret in the universe. Our Miss January 1969’s centerfold was chosen by NASA employees—with excellent taste—to be inserted into Apollo 12 astronaut Al Bean’s cuff checklist. The astronauts got a kick out of the Playmate addition to their mission, but our all-natural Miss January 1969 insists she’s just a good ol’ country girl from a turkey farm in Illinois. “Even though we left the farm and moved to California when I was ten, down deep, I'm still a country girl. You know, the great outdoors, horses, exercise, all that,” explains Leslie who now lives in northern California. “I don't especially like most cities, but San Francisco is different, somehow. It has a unique personality, happy and melancholy all at once. It's an endlessly refreshing place that I just love to explore.” Although our 15th Anniversary Playmate has traded in rural Illinois for the big city on the west coast, she can’t stay away from the farm for long especially now that’s purchased a pony. “Toby’s like a big dog,” says the model with the short, brown hair who visits the stable every few days. “Occasionally ride him, but usually I take walks in the woods and he just tags along. He’s great—but I’d love to have an Arabian horse, too.” Purchasing an expensive horse will take a lot longer than Leslie had imagined, thanks to her spending problem. “I spend an embarrassing amount of money on clothing, but I'm crazy about the new fashions,” admits the San Franciscan Door Bunny. “They're so bright and ingenious that I can't get enough of them.” Trying to save money while you have a shopping addiction can be tough, so Leslie has been keeping her hands busy in the garage and away from her credit card. “I’m crazy about flowers and I spend much of my time gardening, but I have the inherent family interest in the combustion engine. I would find great satisfaction familiarizing myself with the engine of a new Corvette,” she says. “I have two brothers and three sisters. My brothers both have PhDs in physics. They also built a c/gas Chevy and won the national record in 1965. One of my sisters is a stewardess for Pan Am and my youngest sister is currently studying in France. My father is a stockbroker for the Chicago Board of Trade. With the help of my father, I hope someday to become an investor in the stock market.” Invest in Leslie Bianchini, one of the only Playmates to have her beauty skyrocketed into outer space.


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