
Lorraine Michaels

Lorraine Michaels


Canterbury Kent England


5' 2"

Playmate of the month

April 1981

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Lorraine Michaels is a woman who has accumulated many nicknames over the years. When she watches her boyfriend, Glenn Goldup, play hockey with the Los Angeles Kings she turns into Insane Lorraine. While her temperamental, Irish alter ego who is loud, vulgar and ferocious, she says Insane Lorraine is just passionate and misunderstood. “I've had the nickname for years,” says the busty brunette who was born in Canterbury, England. “I'm a scrapper. I'll do just about anything to boost someone's spirits. When someone is depressed, I go bananas. I was an Air Force brat. I lived in 22 states. I've been the girl next door to more people than I can count. When you move that much, you learn to go full tilt with people. You may not see them tomorrow.” Petite Lorraine has a zest for life cannot be outdone, but education and work always came before fun in her book. The all-natural beauty worked her way through college in New Mexico and moved to Los Angeles to put her degree to work. She was hired at an insurance office in Westwood and eventually made her way at a savings and loan office where she worked as a teller and met our Miss January 1976, Daina House. Daina took one look at Lorraine—the dark hair, the all-natural D-cup chest and the fiery attitude—she knew she needed to be a Playmate. Miss Michaels thought about auditioning for a year before she showed up at Playboy Studio West. “I tell girls who want to be a Playmate to have confidence,” says Lorraine who loves her new nickname, Miss April 1981. “Look at the magazine. Each and every gatefold is different. Every girl has the opportunity to be chosen for Playmate, if she is special.” Having her model for Playboy was a thrill she will never forget. From the hair and makeup to having the Playboy crew treat her like royalty, Miss Michaels cherished every moment of her experience. The most memorable moment for us was interviewing and getting to know Lorraine on a very personal level. “I notice that Playmates usually say something about sex. What do you want to know? Do I like it? Well, I had last summer off. I live on the beach, and I didn’t even get a suntan. That should tell you something,” laughs our Playmate of the Month. “I wanted to list making love in the rain on my data sheet, under turn-ons. I’ve done it. It’s fun, all right. But, then I wondered, ‘would anyone believe me?’” We’ll always believe anything Lorraine Michaels says.


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