
Lynn Schiller

Lynn Schiller


Detroit MI USA


5' 2"

Playmate of the month

July 1975

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“Sexiness is not something a woman should deliberately strive for,” states our Miss July 1975. “It should just happen.” Lynn Schiller is an all-natural, busty woman from Detroit, Michigan who loves to be active. From swimming, singing, dancing and even acting, Lynn was a busy little bee growing up. With a musical inclination and rhythm in her blood, she learned how to play the guitar, piano and discovered her singing voice was eerily similar to Joni Mitchell’s. “I admire Joni Mitchell. I dig her attitude toward life. I also admire Anne Boleyn, one of the many wives of Henry VIII, because she stuck to her convictions,” admits the history buff. “I'm in school studying history, but I'd like to go to music school.” Music school will have to wait. Since Lynn’s Playmate of the Month pictorial was published, Hollywood executives have been scrambling to find acting roles for the petite blonde. With experience in comedic skits with her improvisational comedy group, our Miss July 1975 is no strange to acting. The Lee Strasberg Theatrical Institute graduate went on to act in television shows like CHiPs, Code Red and Vega$ and in the surfer flick, Big Wednesday. “I want to have success as an actress or a model and own a home,” admits Lynn. “I'd like to own some land with lots of horses, dogs, cats and a small music studio with room for all my friends!” Our Miss July 1975’s dream home may sound crowded between all the animals, but she insists there is definitely enough room for her boyfriend, Glenn Frey. The Eagles’ guitarist and fellow Detroit native is used to having groupies from around the world throwing themselves at him, but he only had eyes for one woman: Lynn Schiller. “Sex is something I enjoy exclusively with someone I love,” says our Playmate of the Month. “When I know what I want, I go after it,” she says. And so do we which is why we did everything possible to make Lynn Schiller our Miss July 1975.


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