
Lynn Winchell

Lynn Winchell


New York NY USA


4' 11"

Playmate of the month

December 1967

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Our Christmas Playmate, Lynn Winchell, is exactly what every Playboy fan asked for this year. If her sweet, girl-next-door personality and all-natural figure weren’t lovely enough, the petite brunette is a family-oriented girl who adores being surrounded by her large brood. “I was born in New York, but grew up in California. My dad is a mechanic and my mother is a housewife and I have a brother and three sisters. Of all the kids in the family, my sister Bobbie is closest to me in both age and interests,” says Lynn who adds the family always makes time for activities like bowling. “We don't have to mention my bowling scores, do we?” When the Winchell family gets together in the San Fernando Valley, no topic is off limits including work, dating and adrenaline-pumping hobbies. “My brother-in-law is a licensed pilot who works for an airport, and he takes me up sometimes. Thanks to him, I was able to photograph our land development from the air—just for fun,” recalls our Miss December 1967. “I'd like to have my own plane someday—but that's strictly blue-sky planning on my part.” Being the adrenaline junkie she is paired with having a mechanic for a father, Lynn is fascinated by all forms of transportation and how they work like her latest motorized-obsession, dune buggies. “It's very tricky to be able to drive right over sand dunes, so it's easy to understand why so many people have flipped out over dune buggies,” explains our Californian Playmate of the Month. “They're also easy to build, if you know what you're doing—you just take an old auto and replace the frame and wheels.” From driving over sand dunes in a buggy she helped build to becoming our Miss December 1967, Lynn’s start with Playboy is as surprising as she is. While attending a wedding, she posed for who she assumed was the wedding photographer, but what she did not know was photographer Bill Figge also shoots for Playboy magazine. “I posed with the bride after the ceremony and later, Mr. Figge asked if I were a model—which, of course, I wasn't,” recalls the bubbly brunette. “Then he invited me to try it, at his studio—and when he said he was a Playboy contributor, I thought he had to be kidding. In fact, being a Playmate still seems like a beautiful dream—and if it is, I'm not anxious to wake up.” This beautiful dream will never end for Lynn Winchell, our gorgeous Miss December 1967.


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