
Marcy Hanson

Marcy Hanson


Galveston TX USA


5' 8"

Playmate of the month

October 1978

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Coming to Playboy from Galveston, TX is our busty Miss October 1978. Marcy Hanson has an impressive acting resume which includes television shows like Welcome Back, Kotter, The Jeffersons and The Fall Guy. However, when we met the bubbly blonde, she was known as Honey Bee Novak, an endearing yet ditzy heroine on NBC’s miniseries, Rollergirls. “There’s a clause in my TV contract that says I can’t do nudes,” Marcy told us during our very first encounter. “How can anyone object if I open my blouse? Even my mother doesn’t mind.” Since her mother approved of her testing for Playmate and Marcy was positively convinced Playboy was the right choice for her career, the all-natural blonde wasn’t about to let a little thing like a binding contract with a major network stand in her way. “There was a morality clause that said if you'd done nudity, you were unfit for television. It was ridiculous. They wanted me to be ashamed of my body. Every day on Rollergirls, the guy from standards and practices would pass the word to the producer, who would tell the director, who would tell the costume lady to hide my body,” recalls Marcy who is proud of her all-natural, busty figure. “‘Put Band-Aids on her nipples. Make her wear a bra and a body stocking. Then a jersey.’ There was no way I was going to go out like that. Those Band-Aids hurt. Between scenes, I would sneak offstage, take off the Band-Aids, bra and body stocking. Nobody noticed.” The show ended after one season, but our Playmate’s sensational body was high in demand following her Playmate shoot and drew in the masses which included famed footballer Joe Namath and singer Rod Stewart. “Sometimes I think sex is my favorite form of sport. To quote a friend, it’s the great indoors. I love it. A man would be a fool to put me in the kitchen. I’m at my best playing, sharing, and being a companion,” giggles our Miss October 1978. “What’s the most outrageous thing I’ve ever done sexually? I can’t tell you that. Not for print. Oh, wait. How about the most outrageous thing I’ve done with one person?” While she refuses to let us in on deep, dark and sexually-charged secrets, Marcy will let us in on one of her signature moves in the bedroom. “The first time I go to bed with a man, I like to wear a silk shirt, one of his,” admits the busty blonde who says her ideal night includes sex and champagne. “You have to make the loving special. Sometimes I’ll dress up in a garter belt and stockings, or lace. We’ll spend the evening dancing.” May we have this dance, Miss Marcy Hanson?


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