Playboy Muses

Marie Francis

Marie Francis


San Diego CA USA


5' 4"

Playboy Muse of the month

July 2007

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Young, sweet and sexy are terms we would use to describe Marie Francis, and now she’s acquired a new descriptor as Cybergirl of the Month for July 2007. “Telling people that I’m a Playboy model is a good conversation starter,” says Miss Francis. “I love to tell people that.” Our CGOM loves bragging about being a Playboy model almost as much as she loves the soaking up the sun. The blonde-haired northern California girl recently moved to the southern part of the state to finish school. “I try to get to the beach as often as possible,” says blue-eyed Marie. “Summer's been gorgeous down here.” No matter how hot the summer nights get, she admits to wanting someone to keep her warm. “I love having someone to cuddle with and be there for me, no matter what.” We doubt she’ll be cold for much longer.


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