
Marlene Janssen

Marlene Janssen


Rock Island Illinois USA


5' 8"

Playmate of the month

November 1982

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Marlene Janssen is a strong country girl who doesn’t need a man to save her—she’s her own superhero. Not many believe our Miss November 1982 is tough as nails just by looking at her. Don’t let the sweet smile, blonde hair and tall frame fool you—Marlene is a feisty woman who’s even taken on men brawling it out on the basis of fairness. “It was five guys beating up one guy. And I looked at my friend Bernie and I said, ‘Let's go get ‘em.’ So, we hopped out of our truck and went over and started kicking and slugging and pulling hair,” explains the proud busty blonde from Rock Island, Illinois. “When those guys saw two girls run up with their fingernails and flying feet, they ran. I could have gotten hurt, but it was the principle. Those guys were just not letting up.” Our Miss November 1982 is absolutely fearless so it came as no surprise when she decided to leave behind her country life, her bean garden and her pet goat for like in the fast lane known as Los Angeles. “Coming from a trusting area, where virtually everybody know you or knows of you, to this mass population and trying to find where you fit in is very hard,” admits the all-natural model. Adjusting to the world of modeling and the big city can definitely be trying for anyone, but Marlene knew if any country girl could do it, it would be her. “I’m too much of an outdoorsy person for a nine-to-five job. I had one for two years, and after I quit. I worked temporary or night jobs for two summers so I could spend days on the beach,” confesses our Playmate of the Month. A good tip for a newcomer in any town is to find a hobby you love and can excel in. For Marlene, those hobbies were speed skating and water skiing. She loved them so much, she wouldn’t cut her time on the water short for anything—including an injury. “I tried slaloming over four wakes and when I fell, the ski just came right behind me and smacked me in the leg. No big deal. It didn't even hurt till the next day. I never feel a bruise until I see it; then I think, ‘Gosh, that's supposed to hurt, isn't it?’” laughs Marlene. “Luckily, I've never broken any bones—knock on wood. I've broken my nose, and that's it. But, that was just cartilage, playing volleyball.” Marlene Janssen is truly one tough country gal.


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