Playboy Muses

Mel Green

Mel Green


San Francisco, CA

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“Adorkable,” laughs model, Mel Green, in reply to us asking how she’d describe herself. Coming to Playboy Plus from San Francisco, California, we’re thrilled to be collaborating with Mel. “[I’m] always bubbly and bouncing around, unless I’m at home chillin’ like a villain, smoking a joint while cooking a vegetarian meal.” Unapologetically herself at all times, Mel’s friendly and spirited energy is contagious. “My passions are dance and modeling,” she tells us. “I grew up belittled and insecure. When go-go dancing came into my life, I was put on stage and had to be in my power. I found a new sense of self, and it has helped my confidence so much. The same [goes] for modeling.” A model, traveling performer, and administrative assistant, we first caught sight of Mel through her photographer, Damon Loble, and knew she’d be a great fit. “The Playboy brand means being a part of a legacy. I love [posing nude],” she says. “When I take photos, this whole new type of woman is shown. It reminds me of who I really am, not just what the [photo] shows.” Get to know Mel Green better through her pictorials, right here on Playboy Plus!


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